Task Setup Steps

Task planning is the release of work to the warehouse floor in order to optimally run the day-to-day warehousing operations. Tasks are comprised of demand pick tasks for sales orders, work orders, and replenishment. Tasks are also comprised of inbound receiving and put away tasks, slotting inventory transfer tasks, inventory control related cycle counting tasks, and inbound-outbound hybrid crossdocking tasks. Once multiple tasks are created from the various task creation sources, they are placed in one single pool and released appropriately to the warehouse floor for optimal operation of the warehouse. Optimization is performed by task interleaving and resource-workload balancing.

Wave planning in warehousing plans the allocation and release of material to the warehouse floor in the form of work/tasks in order to fulfill the various kinds of material demand. It plans the release of material to fulfill sales orders, work orders, and replenishments.

You need to be able to plan the release of tasks in the warehouse on a day-to-day basis so that you can run operations optimally to minimize cost and maximize productivity. To do this, you need a single workbench that enables you to view the entire workload for one or more days. Using the Warehouse Control Board, you can query tasks based on multiple criteria, re-prioritize and interleave them, and release them to the warehouse floor in the form of task waves.

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